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Kimmel Center

Kimmel Center


Photographer Peter Fahrney

Kimmel Center

Digital Photograph, 7x9

The Kimmel Center is a large auditorium/concert hall in Philadelphia.   It is located on Broad Street next to, and part of,  the famed Academy of Music.  On the occasion that I snapped the photo, I was attending the graduation ceremony for the seniors of Jefferson Medical College.


In the lobby of the Kimmel Center (at that time) was a sized replica of the Eiffel Tower in the middle of a large lobby/reception area.  While standing around in the reception area, I noticed the interesting confluence of lines and shapes and casually snapped the picture.  The photo is not retouched other than cropping the edges for size of the final photo and removing any color that may have been there.


I have shown this photo before and have won several awards, including a First Place in the photo category in the first annual Potomac River Regional Art Show. (Year unknown).  It also took an Honorable Mention in the annual Fredericksburg Art Show (official name?)


This is a digital photograph with the print processed by a commercial lab.

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